Perhaps I should back up. I was at Bubbles getting my hair highlighted (just a little brightening up - really, I'm a natural blonde!) when a gorgeous guy walked in. He met all the minimum qualifications: over 6 ft. tall, solidly built, clean cut, dress pants and shirt speaking to gainful employment - all before he even opened his mouth.
Luckily, he was seated in the chair next to mine. As he told the stylist what he'd like done - "Straighten out the sideburns, they're getting a little mangy" - I tried to sneak a closer look. I peered out from under the fringe of hair currently in front of my eyes, prompting me to remember I was sporting a head of foil. Not exactly a prime "look at me" moment
As he made conversation with his stylist (extra points for friendliness), I eavesdropped shamelessly and his stock continued to climb. He was from the Midwest, normally went to the Bubbles in Pentagon City (he meets my 5-mile radius requirement) and had been to a wedding recently (more likely to be looking for a relationship?).
Sigh. I think I was in love.
I was working on my opening line - something about my recent trip to Chicago, since he had said he was going there for the weekend - when my stylist returned and walked me over to the sink.
"Ok," I thought. "Don't panic. She'll rinse me out and I'll be back in the chair before he's ready to leave. And sans foil."
Except she didn't rinse me out right away! Apparently, the highlights weren't done yet. By the time my head did meet water, I couldn't even enjoy the scalp massage (a main reason to even go to Bubbles) because I was craning my neck to make sure Dream Guy was still there.
Sadly, he took his leave before we moved onto the haircut portion of my evening. But I certainly enjoyed meeting him. Or seeing him.
Maybe I should be visiting Bubbles a little more often. I wonder how frequently I can ask to have "just half an inch" taken off without looking suspicious? Or I run out of hair?
Can you ask the receptionist what his name is and then find out his next appt?!