Remember when I said I like you? The sentiment is still floating free out there and without a response, I'm left to wonder. Is it possible you didn't actually understand the drunk text I sent with this message? Or the several sober follow-up texts later?
Or maybe you didn't get the phone call, voicemail and text I sent after I missed the one call you made to "talk about things."
Admittedly, I wasn't able to make it all the way through, "He's Just Not That Into You," but I grasped the general idea. It would be logical to conclude your avoidance of the topic is the equivalent of saying, "Thanks, but no thanks."
Except, you didn't say it, which leaves all of your actions open to interpretation.
For example, what did you mean by asking if I was going to spend the night after the Steelers game on Sunday? We both know I'd rather crash at your place than walk into your parking lot after dark, but if you're not interested in being more than friends, why suggest such an activity?
And were you just being funny during our conversation about heart disease versus breast cancer when you said you could help with a breast exam but I was on my own with the cholesterol stuff? Or was that you're way of testing the waters to see where I was at more than three weeks after I made my shocking announcement of positive feelings for you?
I can't help but remember the last time we danced around the idea of dating, and it came out after the fact that you're not very good at telling someone you like them. Are you afraid you missed the window and you're not sure how to bring it up?
You're sending mixed signals and I'm having trouble reading them. Is this just harmless flirting or are you trying to say something more?
Or is this just another case of me overanalyzing? Like when I spent days trying to figure out the underlying meaning of a simple text. And the times when I call everyone I know to dissect a situation, taking all opinions into account before deciding what actually happened. But I digress (And yes, I used a big word. I like them.)
If you can clear any of this up for me, I'd appreciate it. And, as I said before, no big deal if you're not interested. I still need a golf buddy - and at least with you, I know I'll always win!
My advice (though not sure if I would be ballsy enough to do this myself): when you are hanging out and have a good, comfortable time, bring up the subject and ask straight out. Dancing around the idea might just lead to nothing, when it's possibe he likes you as well and just doesn't know how to say so now that so much times has passed.
ReplyDeleteWhen I started dating Blake the second time, i was the one that had to come out and say, "what's going on here? what are we? friends that flirt, or more than that?" He cannot avoid it when you are face-to-face asking straight out.
Thanks, Sheena! I thought I had laid it on the line for him (albeit, via text) but think you're probably right. I'm going to have to corner him in person.