I actually looked at someone on Monday, who I would never normally date and who's definitely off limits, and thought "Hmmm...I wonder what it would be like to be in a relationship with him?"
It is very definitely time to try Match.com...again.
I've been on a bit of a hiatus from online dating because - ok, excuse time now - I broke my foot last July on my first day of vacation in Italy and used it as an excuse to eat everything in sight. By the time I was able to run again, it was the holiday season, and I think we all know how that ususally works out, even for those with the best intentions.
Moral of the story is, I've been a bit scared of blind dates because I'm not sure my pictures match the real me at the moment. But that's all finally changing. I'm running Grandma's Marathon in June again this year, which puts me smack in the middle of the training program right now. And even better, this week I've actually STARTED the training. So, I'm giving myself a deadline.
I have until April 15 to shape up, and then it's back to fishing in the online dating pond.
Watch out boys...I'm going to be back before you know it
And in the meantime, I still have lots of other funny stories to write about. Here's a sneak peak: The Dating Radius, Lei Boy, The Year of the Lobster and many, many more. So keep reading!
I will definitely be watching!! My thoughts on match are as follows...