There must be some law of physics to explain this, and perhaps if I hadn't been the girl to set almost everything on fire during my science class experiments I might know what it was (seriously, it's a miracle I passed ninth grade physical science without burning down the school).
In any case, you'll never guess who I saw on Friday. Drumroll please....that's right, the Teletubby!
Apparently, he not only hangs out in Arlington during massive blizzards, but also now travels as far as Tysons Corner for lunch - at Chipoltle to be exact.
And how incredibly apropos since I had just been telling a co-worker about this blog as we walked into the building.
Let me back up....for those of you who are not familiar with my Teletubby drama, you can read the whole story here.
There we were, a group of eight of us chowing down on our burritos, when I looked up to see him heading to a nearby table. Other than the sheer shock of running into him in such an unexpected place (he works in DC and lives in Springfield), it was actually a bit of a novelty to be able to point him out to some of the people that had previously read about him.
Luckily, he didn't notice me, but I had the "privilege" of walking out behind him and noticing once again just how impressively big he looks - definitely good "big spoon" potential. Tear.
As the saying goes, when it rains it pours, and apparently that's the case with unwanted "bad date" sightings because I also came across the horrible first kiss guy on Saturday at Clarendon Grill.
The place was packed with excited Journey fans who wanted to hear the cover band Frontiers, and I was suffering from a mild case of claustrophobia. You were lucky if you could manage to make it to the bar, much less keep track of who you came with (I had to search long and hard to find my roommate after a trip to the John Girl room), but of course, I had no problem running into the one person I'd rather run away from.
When I saw him outside, I did a bit of a double-take. "I know that guy," I thought. But it took me a second to place him. And then, it all came flooding back. His disgusting tongue thrusting into my mouth - repeatedly. Ewwwwww!!!! Again, who does that on a first date?
Thankfully, luck was still in my corner and I managed to turn away before he saw me.
Have I really run out of men to date in DC already?
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